Where the extraordinary awaits.

Today, we are whisking you away. To an intimate gathering. A place where exclusivity and secrecy reign supreme.

In tribute of the close-knit bonds we hold dear and the special moments that often go unnoticed, we bring together a gourmet selection of underrated dishes. Appreciate the essence of hidden delights as we embark on this wondrous course - welcome to the Secret Dinner.


Hearty English Pancakes

We begin the evening with a twist on the classic breakfast favourite. Fluffy and golden, the Hearty English Pancakes are served with ripe tomatoes on the vine, succulent Kurobuta sausages, and crispy back bacon. Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, the accompanying Cajun baked potatoes are seasoned with fiery spices. Explore uncharted territories with this nostalgic yet impressionable start – you might find a new spark!


Kale & Beetroot Salad

Presenting another hidden gem of the day, the vibrant Kale & Beetroot Salad. Featuring crisp kale leaves, roasted beetroot, tangy grapefruit and creamy vegan cheese, this dish is finished with a luscious honey mustard dressing. A multitude of tongue-tantalising flavours combined, it’s a surprisingly moreish appetiser not to be missed.

Complemented with our French Earl Grey Kombucha – an intricate blend of black tea, bergamot, and a touch of effervescence – you’re all ready for the next destination.


Riesling Vongole Pasta

Next, we introduce a #MainCharacter-worthy entrée. Made with al dente linguine, plump clams and juicy cherry tomatoes, the Riesling Vongole Pasta is a burst of seafood delight. Elevated with a fragrant blend of parsley, white wine and kombu stock, so savour the fruits of the sea in this harmonious recipe. With your loved ones, find commonalities and share milestones over this celebratory dish.


Raspberry Elderflower Soda

The Secret Dinner always ends with something sweetly satisfying. Meet our sparkling elixir, the Raspberry Elderflower Soda. A drink and dessert in one, this refreshing beverage is topped with real strawberries for an extra sensual taste profile. Sip and savour the joy of life’s sweetest moments over a glass or two, especially on a warm summer night.

As the Secret Dinner draws to a close, remember the intimate moments shared with a select few. It’s where memories are created, friendships are forged, and the beauty of the underrated is unveiled. Now it’s time to embark on your own journey; to discover the magic that lies within the often-overlooked corners of life.

☕️ PAZZION Café JEWEL Changi Airport 🌳
78 Airport Blvd., B1-243/244, Singapore 819666
10:00 am - 9:30 pm (Mon - Thu)
10:00 am - 10:00 pm (Fri)
09:30 am - 10:00 pm (Sat)
09:30 am - 09:30 pm (Sun)

☕ PAZZION Takashimaya S. C. Singapore 👜
Takashimaya Shopping Centre, #B1-39/40, Singapore
09:30 am - 10:00 pm (Fri - Sat)
09:30 am - 09:30 pm (Sun - Thur)

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